Domenica Maviglia


ABSTRACT. In the work Ich und Du (1923) the Austrian philosopher Martin Buber propounds and elaborates the theses of his ‘philosophy of dialogue’, focusing in particular on a perspective hinged on the themes of dialogue, relation, and encounter. Starting from his famous distinction between the ‘I-It’ relation and the ‘I-Thou’ relation, Buber highlights how in education the dynamics of the relationship between the educator, the pupil, and the world need to follow the dialogical principle in order to fully develop in a productive and genuine way. If this principle is performed by a continuous mutual action between the ‘genuine educator’ and the student, it can contribute to the creation of ‘genuine education’, which is characterised by a sound axiological, teleological, and maieutic-creative statute that allows for the understanding of the close link existing ‘between’ the goal of the ‘individual’ and the goal of the ‘community’ in the dynamic dimension of ‘us’.

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